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The Challengers Almanac

1 Apr

The Challengers Almanac is no ordinary book. It’s a collection of stories and wisdom written by people who aren’t afraid to challenge the status quo, and I’m thrilled to be included.

It all started with a talk I did for She Says, alongside other ‘disruptors’ including the wonderful Olivia Knight from Patchwork Present, following which I was invited to contribute. My story is about how to do Marketing ‘Gangnam Style’ (stay with me now), because there’s much to learn from one of the greatest cultural phenomenon of our time, in fact we owe it to ourselves. As uncomfortable as it may feel to operate outside of your comfort zone, it’s better to be a disruptor than to be the disrupted (the only real alternative).


The Challenger’s Almanac has been curated by Mark Em and Meg from Sideways, while photographers Alastair SoppRasmus Keger and tattoo artist Josh Vyvyan have provided the stunning visuals.

We’re fuelled by people who have created businesses that are worth more than just profit. People that are led by their ideas, that take the road less travelled, that see business as an opportunity to create positive change. Built by a group of creative people who have given their skills and time to the project, The Challenger’s Almanac is a year round resource full of inspiration and practical advice.


The team have launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for the first issue. With just three days to go, they have already tripled their target with backers from all over the globe (but still appreciate all the support they can get!).


Make a pledge here for your copy and become part of this extraordinary bunch of challengers….

The godfather of Challenger Brands. The speaker of one of the most watched TedTalks of all time. The A-list celebrity revolutionising family products. The accountant who is redefining client relationships. The man who is getting his town making jeans again. The women who is helping to fix the future. The eyewear brand that’s given 500,000 pairs of glasses to people in need. The clothing company who wrote a manifesto celebrated by over 100 million people. The market researchers that take inspiration from freaks and geeks. The scheme that takes a small amount of turnover and changes the world with it. The designers who have visually branded some of the world’s most successful Challengers. The guy heading up the rise of the maker.The paint company taking on its industry. The certification that represents the world’s most responsible brands. The young entrepreneur whose business is a force for good. The beer club that champions the little guys. The founder of the nicest creative blog in the world. The women who champion equality in the workplace. The cartoonist who consults for the world’s biggest brands. The creatives carving out time for creativity. The travel company with a thirst for new challenges. The guys who stand for doing the things that matter. The agency that rebels against traditional marketing. The sustainable apparel company creating a new category. The confectionary company with a penchant for good. The woman who will change the way people give. The serial entrepreneur who thrives on failure. The King of Shoreditch.

A short history of marketing

23 Jan

I probably just like this because of the awesome animation, but it’s an enjoyable few minutes nonetheless…

Let’s talk face-to-face

2 Mar

According to this, it seems we have now forgotten how to communicate with each other effectively – as we use email more and more rather than actually talking face-to-face. 

To be honest it’s not shocking, I am guilty of sending emails to people in the office, when it would be much easier if we had just spoke in person. I think sometimes we can waste our time emailing people back and forth rather than just having a proper conversation, which is surely what we should be doing?

Saying that, my memory is pretty crap and I probably wouldn’t remember stuff without looking back at my emails.

Email me your thoughts? I mean er, let’s talk face to face… 

Second Life Liberation Army, guess what, open up headquarters in SL

22 Feb

I read this a while back, and completely forgot to blog about it.  I remember being in stitches of laughter when I read it!  Yes that’s right, the SLLA have decided to open up their own offices in SL, due to the mounting campaigning they are doing for SL residents.


For those of you that don’t know, the SLLA is a national liberation movement working towards establishing citizens rights in SL. They have been causing havoc all over Second Life –  they have apparnetly placed a bounty on a number of high profile commercial contractors within the game, not to mention attacking Reebok and American Apparell stores, and posting the footage on YouTube.  Crazy huh?!

Lucozade does UGC?

15 Feb

Every week I read about a different brand that’s moving into the UGC, and this week it’s Lucozade! The way people now use the web has clearly evolved, but I can’t help thinking that every brand jumping on the bandwagon isn’t neccessarily the right move.  Why would I ever go online to talk to people I don’t know about Lucozade?  It’s completely irrelevant. You even have the chance to appear in a future ad campaign – why exactly would I want that?! Saying that at least there’s an idea behind this – Lucozade encourages consumers to send in videos of themselves having lost their edge.  Hmm, they are probably likely to receive some very interesting videos!

Google’s latest competitor

6 Feb

Powered by Live Search, Ms Dewey makes seaching the web a whole lot more fun.  One for the boys really! Check it out here. Its kinda of a novelty thing really, I found it quite funny for a while but I can’t say I’ll routinely use it.  Worth a look though.


The harsh reality of blogging

3 Feb

I have only recently started this blog mainly due to my passion for what I do, but also because of a few key people who have inspired me to do so – including Amelia Torode, Anthony Mayfield, and of course Russel Davies. That’s why I was shocked to read this from Russel Davies – he recently had to deal with the harsh reality that some people don’t like his blog!  Now although I have always understood the harsh reality of blogging, and has Russel, it is clearly a very different thing to experience this first hand. Fortunately this little knock has not stopped him blogging, nor me, and the comments from his audience were somewhat gushing! I say keep up the good work…

MINI – First ever talking billboards

2 Feb

As if billboards weren’t already distracting, the first ever talking billboard from MINI sees personalised yet quite unexpected messages targeted to and actually triggered by MINI owners – in New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Miami. Read more here. I think its interesting how more and more brands are going that extra mile to cut through the clutter, and deliver messages so engaging and personalised that one cannot help feeling special.

  MINI - talking billboards

Goo go guerrilla

30 Jan

I saw this great video on YouTube. Japanese brand Goo launched their internet portal using guerrilla tactics – 1000 volunteers wandered the streets of Shabooya wearing sweatshirts with key search words and its ranking – with anything from ‘friend’ to ‘naked’!